
Public authorities

Business management in the public sector is largely defined by budgets, complex decision-making processes and the VAT offset fund. This requires a unique approach, and workable solutions, in the area of IT.
Creating efficient organisational processes
Securing data with cybersecurity
Proactively responding to change
Ron Janssen

Cloud en Modern Workplace adviseur

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A growing responsibility

Public sector organisations both large and small are currently under pressure due to fragmented information, outdated systems and a lack of digital skills. And that leads to less efficient service delivery and less effective business processes. In order to progress, it is important for public authorities to lay a foundation that includes a modern infrastructure, cybersecurity and enhanced digital skills among staff. Efficient processes, secure data and privacy are some of the priorities. These are possible using the right (customised) technology and following best practices.

provincie logo ctac erp hana sap
gemeente erp software hana sap ctac
SAP for the public sector

Customisation often involves high costs. We at Ctac don’t believe this has to be the case. To meet the requirements of the public sector, we have developed SAP Municipality ByDesign. Taking SAP Business ByDesign as the basis, plus Ctac’s own public sector add-ons, we can respond to the particular needs, wishes and requirements of public institutions. This results in greater efficiency and effectiveness. Ctac can deliver its sector-specific SAP S/4HANA ERP solutions to large municipalities, public institutions and provinces.

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Your IT partner in the public sector

We are a leader in public sector implementations. Our unique software solution enables you to respond proactively to the changes and challenges the future will bring. Best of all, with our built-in reporting capabilities, you only need to have one software solution. Whether your challenge involves planning, capacities or mobility, we can help you move forwards in the public sector.

Would you like to have a success story to share? We're happy to help.

Cybersecurity for the public sector

Increasing digitalisation places a greater emphasis on strengthening the security of public institutions and raising awareness among the general population. In practice, this means that digital vulnerabilities and threats must be continuously monitored and dealt with. How do you handle this as a government organisation? How do you make sure you’re prepared? Ctac is the expert in the area of cybersecurity for the public sector. With pragmatic advice and the right applications, we can secure your IT landscape and, in the event of an incident, help you get back to work in the blink of an eye, with minimal impact on your organisation.

"Thanks to SAP Municipality ByDesign, we now have more control than we did, and that was an important objective."

Wouter Groenen, Solution Manager Roosendaal Municipality

Applicaties en diensten voor de publieke sector


Ctac helps you achieve your sustainability goals faster with our advice and useful applications.

SDG: Sustainable Development Goals

Modern workplace

Online everywhere and at any time within your own secure business environment. From hardware to software and from next-level collaboration via Teams to cybersecurity.

Modern Workplace


Cybercrime, hackers, data theft and sabotage can cause a great deal of damage. Ctac helps you keep your systems and data secure.

"Our collaboration with Ctac, in managing the coordination of our selected ICT suppliers, means that we are able to keep our own focus on innovation and implementing improvements that align with the Council's ambitions for our ICT landscape." William van der Velden, Head of Information Management for the Council

Successful solutions in this sector

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For large municipalities, public institutions and provinces, Ctac offers sector-specific ERP solutions based on SAP S/4HANA.

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moderne werkplek modern workplace microsoft teams security hardware laptop employee experience self service
Modern workplace

Online everywhere and at any time within your own secure business environment. From hardware to software and from next-level collaboration via Teams to cybersecurity.

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Cyber Security

Cybercrime, hackers, data theft and sabotage can cause a great deal of damage. Ctac helps you keep your systems and data secure.


Ctac is the SAP partner for Noord-Brabant province

The province of North Brabant was looking for one central party with expertise in all aspects of their sprawling SAP landscape. With our extensive SAP experience and knowledge of the public sector, we now ensure efficiency and security.

Public sector at Ctac

We at Ctac are your partner in the public sector. With our extensive SAP knowledge and our public sector experience, we can create efficiency in business processes and safeguard data and privacy. Our proprietary SAP Business ByDesign software enables us to offer tailor-made solutions for any government institution.