In a published tender, the Council issued a request for proposals in 2018, which included the provision of support in managing the multi-vendor landscape they have chosen as part of their strategy. The Council chose Ctac, due to its strong coordination management, among other reasons.

Raad voor Rechtsbijstand
Professional services, Regiemanagement

IT Coordination Management
Microsoft Office 365
The challenge: going back to the core
William van der Velden, Head of Information Management at the Council, commented: “By opting for external support for monitoring implementations by various ICT suppliers, it is possible to keep a strong focus on this management while at the same time keeping our focus on the various other core tasks and responsibilities of the Information Management department. Ctac monitors compliance with the contracts we have set up with the different vendors on behalf of the Council, monitors the quality of the services provided and makes adjustments where necessary, in consultation with the Council.”

The solution: moving to an externally sourced model
The introduction of support has been implemented gradually by Ctac’s operational and tactical director. In order to manage the switch to coordination management, the various suppliers went through an onboarding process for the integration model. Together with all parties involved, Ctac and the Council created an inventory of the operational agreements (KPIs), the form of management (governance) and the desired forms of consultation. In addition, a multi-disciplinary Change Advisory Board (CAB) has been established and all suppliers have been given visibility of upcoming planned work through a schedule that is published online.
The result: collaboration based on respect and trust
It is important for processes to be aligned. Having the various different implementing parties working together in a spirit of trust is a crucial factor in this respect. Therefore, at the request of the Council, discussions are also taking place between the various suppliers, to explore how their own portfolio can be best used within the collaboration.
William van der Velden: “Collaborating with Ctac in the coordination management of our selected ICT suppliers allows us to keep our focus on innovation and on implementing improvements that align with the ambitions of the Council for our ICT landscape.”