
Microsoft 365

With Microsoft 365 you improve your business productivity and facilitate collaboration in your organisation. Microsoft 365 offers you optimal opportunities for communication and sharing information, including on topics such as essential security and compliance, like GDPR.
Ctac is Microsoft Solutions Partner
Already 56 certifications from Microsoft
Microsoft 365 specialist

Your employees’ needs are constantly changing. They want to be able to work in an inspiring digital environment that offers them support. How, though, can you meet these needs? Microsoft 365 is the answer, bringing together Office 365, Windows 10 and Enterprise Mobility and Security in a single, smart solution.

With Microsoft 365, you increase the productivity of your employees, your teams and your whole organisation. What’s more, you can use collaborative tools such as Microsoft Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive as well as simplify user, device and application management in your digital environment. And with the built-in smart security, you protect client data, company information and intellectual property. Everything is in a fully integrated environment, meaning your employees can work together like never before.

Microsoft 365 Business

This product demo shows you how Microsoft 365 for Business increases the business productivity. Host online meetings and livestreams, write and edit documents collaboratively and much more! Microsoft 365 for Business safeguards your data, protects against cybersecurity risks, helps you get more done, keeps employees connected, simplifies scheduling, and offers a host of other features.

Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 gives you secure access to your trusted apps for e-mail, communications and collaboration. Anywhere, anyhow, anytime. Whether you work online or offline and prefer to use your laptop, tablet or smartphone, your applications are always up to date with Microsoft 365.

Microsoft Sharepoint

In our private lives, we have become accustomed to the ease of online sharing. Yet many companies still lag behind when it comes to ease of use and online collaboration. Sharepoint, part of Microsoft Teams, enhances digital ease of use and improves collaboration. It promotes efficient collaboration and document management in a user-friendly interface.

You want the knowledge in your organisation to be securely stored, and easily shared and accessed. In SharePoint, you make information more findable for all employees. Moreover, you benefit from the security and integration possibilities of the Microsoft 365 landscape. Ctac ensures a seamless integration of SharePoint within the IT environment and helps develop a governance policy. This allows you to work together in an optimal and secure manner.

Ctac as implementation partner of Microsoft SharePoint

As a Business & Cloud integrator, Ctac always starts from your needs: what does the organisation need in order to make optimal use of the benefits of business productivity?

We match your needs with the available functionalities of Microsoft SharePoint. With the Route365 Cooker Session you will learn how to get started with SharePoint and how to make optimal use of the possibilities. We do this in a fun, interactive way that ensures support within the organization.

Would you like to know more about Microsoft Teams and the migration possibilities? We are happy to advise you on the transition from on premises to the cloud and help you connect Teams to your other systems. Thinking about using Teams or want more information about it?

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