The board of directors is the highest management body of a for-profit organization and is responsible for policy and strategy. The management board is accountable to the supervisory board and the general meeting of shareholders. Below we present the board of directors of Ctac N.V. to you.

Board of directors

Gerben Moerland

Gerben Moerland (1972) was appointed as CEO of Ctac since 25 August 2023. On 13 October 2023, he was appointed as statutory director for a period of four years, up to and including the AGM of 2027.

Previously, Gerben was director (and founder) of software integration specialist Oliver IT, a subsidiary of Ctac N.V. and held several leading positions in the IT sector.

Paul de Koning

Paul de Koning (1963) was appointed CFO of Ctac since 15 February 2023. On April 13, 2023, he was appointed statutory director for a period of four years, up to and including the AGM of 2027.

Mr De Koning has many years of experience in the technology sector, having held various senior management positions, including at NXP and Philips. From 2015 to 2022, he was CFO of Neways Electronics International.

Download the board of director rules (in Dutch)