In our previous blog we discussed why, in order to make a success of modern working, it is important to first determine what kind of company you want to be. In this second blog post, we’ll take a look inside the organisation. And it’s all about the employees. This is because they can only work efficiently if their workplace is a good match for their role within the organisation.

One person will still prefer to sit upright behind a desktop, while the next will work most efficiently when they can switch between different devices. Every employee needs a fully functional and up-to-date workplace that gives them access to the right applications and data to suit their personal needs. This will vary from person to person, from job to job and may also be different across a range of tasks or locations. But how do you determine this for each person?

You don’t, it’s as simple as that. In any case, not the IT department on its own. Instead, you should involve employees in deciding what their ideal workplace looks like. To be able to work comfortably wherever you are and whenever you want, the only answer is a device. The better the device suits them, the happier the employee. Ensuring that employees are happy and productive is therefore the joint responsibility of the HR and IT departments.

Involved employees

In addition, if employees feel that their personal preferences are being taken into account, their commitment will increase. And committed employees are almost 20% more productive, according to figures from HR provider Quantum Workplace.

In short, the purchase of devices that suit your employees is an essential component of the mobile and digital workplace – as is making a list of the technological requirements that has to be done first. In addition, make sure you have a plan for when these devices reach their end of life. Are you going to sell them? If so, how do you make sure that all your data is securely deleted? And the elephant in the room: can you, as the IT department, organise, manage and monitor all of this yourself or will you outsource it?


Along with the devices, applications are at least as important if you want to keep your employees happy and productive. In our private lives, we’re used to having apps that always work. If something doesn’t work, the app will disappear into the digital recycle bin and we’ll download an alternative. This ensures a high standard when it comes to how apps work.

Being able to work and collaborate easily and without problems both in the office and out of office must be the standard. Protected data, non-synchronised files, endless clicks, repeated logins for the same app, and other technical hassles aren’t just frustrating, but tremendously disruptive to someone’s work.

As with the choice of device, when installing applications, it’s important to determine for each person what they need in order to do their job well. This depends on the job, and on the way they work. And preferably, these personal applications are gathered in a single pane of glass, or one window (= single sign-in) giving them access to all the apps that they need for their work.

In addition to the devices, the success of a mobile and digital workplace also depends on the applications and how these applications are accessed. A well-thought-out plan for the acquisition of devices, in open consultation with the HR department, is key. As is a policy for the acquisition, management and use of applications. It’s the foundation for the modern way of working.